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Join the RWA Tokenisation Revolution Presale

With VOY Finance,  you’re going bankless by democratising wealth to the people and SME inclusive lending to rejected invoices for  brighter, more sustainable future for global trade and AI DAO yield generation protocol utilising ERC-4626 vaults, ERC-3643 and ERC-6960 tokenisation and DvP smart escrow.


Buy, Stake & Earn

Become the bank and understand the steps required to participate in the private round as seamlessly as possible.

Wallet, Buy

Increases during the sale Connect your wallet (Metamask or XDCPay)

Swap, Hold

Let Voy AI DAO lending vault earn for you into banks best kept secret low risk yields

Claim, Stake, Earn

Put funds into vaults like you would your bank and see you portfolio grow and earn like a bank


AI autonomous hedge fund and asset management for private wealth lending and optimised high yield of up to 72%.

400% Gain

from private sale to list price

Ethical - Bankless

Become the bank, depositing funds to vaults but you earn the interest lending to ethical RWA supply chain, the banks secret weapon.


VOY Smart Wealth

Bankless vaults with Ai lending to RWA. 
Supply Chain finance made simple with tokenisation and Web3.

Supply chain finance made simple

Web3 AI and DAO tech for tokenised democratised wealth management for trade finance using crypto & non-bank liquidity refers to a new model of trade finance that leverages blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and cryptocurrency to provide more efficient and accessible financing options for businesses engaged in global trade.Traditionally, trade finance has been dominated by banks, which can be slow, expensive, and exclusive to established businesses with good credit scores. This system often leaves small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) struggling to access the capital they need to grow and compete in the global market.

VOY token fuels  the concept of web3 AI tokenised democratized trade finance aims to address these issues by using blockchain technology to tokenize trade assets, making them more easily tradable and accessible to a wider range of investors. Artificial intelligence can be used to analyze data and automate processes, reducing the need for manual intervention and streamlining the financing process. Cryptocurrency can provide a more efficient and cost-effective way to transfer funds across borders, eliminating the need for traditional banking intermediaries.

Operating on a fixed supply model, and entering into staggering $2.5 trillion gap, and with the Voy token at its core, the potential for growth is boundless.

As the token is used in lending the relative portion gets locked. By reducing its circulating supply, we’re not only ensuring its active utility but also creating a supply and demand environment growing wealth management and the financial revolution.

The “Voy Finances DeFi Vault Earnings to Real World Assets” is a hybrid approach that aims to generate high yields by leveraging both decentralized finance (DeFi) and real-world trade finance assets.

Vault Earnings:
– The model starts by depositing funds into DeFi lending protocols and yield farming opportunities within the decentralized finance ecosystem.
– These DeFi activities can generate attractive annual percentage yields (APYs), often in the range of 12-24% or more, depending on the specific strategies employed.

– By incorporating both DeFi and real-world assets, the model aims to diversify the risk and reduce the overall volatility of the investment.


The Roadmap

  • Launch of multichain bridges
  • Growth of Dev Stack
  • Kick-off of Voy Development
  • Team growth arid development
  • VOY Roadmap Launch
  • User dash development
  • Rebrand from enVOY to VOY
  • Product: Yield Farming & Staking
  • Launch of Yield Farming & Staking Platform on Single-chain (Polygon)
  • Launch of Stake-To-Earn Program
  • Integration of PLI plugin onto platform
  • Lending app dev
  • Product/Fundraising: Voy Private Sale
  • Develop API Pilot for Bank
  • Build DeFi LP Corporate Partnerships
  • Launch business in Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • Major Ecosystem Partnerships with Key Leaders
  • Product: KYC Chain Collaboration
  • Launch of full corporate version for ESG
  • Trade Finance Integrations
  • Launchpads and DEX Listing
  • Launch MVP feature for ESG Data Exchange
  • Participation in UAE/MENA Exclusive Partner Program
  • Smart Contract and Product Audits
  • Webinars, AMAs, Fireside Chats & Events For Community
  • Launch of Staking & Farming on XDC/Polygon
  • Ecosystem Development and Global Partnerships
  • Product Update
  • Webinars, AMAs, Fireside Chats & Events For Community
  • Launchpads and more DEX Listings
  • Pilot trial with bank network